Friday 16 May 2008

Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie

Sometimes when you become familiar with characters from TV adaptations it discourages you from reading the books. I like Agatha Christie for a bit of relaxing reading, but it had been a while since I had read ant of her Hercule Poirot books. To be truthful I read Five Little Pigs because it happened to catch my eye when I was looking for something to read. I think I must have read it before, but I didn't remember the plot. After the first couple of chapters I was hooked and I really wanted Hercule Poirot to prove that the wrong person had been convicted of the crime sixteen years before and I found it hard to put the book down. It was a very enjoyable and satisfying read, and I was pleased and a little surprised by the resolution of the plot. As an added bonus the story was set in Cornwall, my favourite place in the world! This book has reminded me how much I enjoy Agatha Christie.

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