Saturday 17 May 2008

A History of the Railways of Northamptonshire by Peter Butler

This was an impulse purchase, I was in W.H. Smiths looking for a suitable birthday present for a family member when I happened to spot this book and I couldn't resist it. It is a small book with a big price but it is packed with information and it has the best collection of pictures that I have come across. My husband loves everything to do with trains and I am interested in Railway history so our house is full of railway book. We have a number on the subject of Northamptonshire's railway history, most are bigger and glossier, but none are better. This book enabled me to put the pieces together, to visualise how things used to be and to understand how those tantalising little architectural clues that still remain fitted in. I have longed to find pictures of the layout of the old St John's station in Northampton and this book has provide those pictures. It also contains a view of the Bridge Street station platform and a shot of the lovely old Castle Station building and the hideous cattle shed that replaced it. It is a book that I will return to again and again, it was expensive but it is well worth it.

A History of the Railways of Northamptonshire

My Railway Memories

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